About the author

  This text is written by Tyndale Martin. I was born in 1944 in Toronto, Canada, to sincere and generous parents from whom I received a good upbringing in a Biblical tradition and country life. During the early years our family lived a few miles from Orillia in northern Ontario then on the shore of Lake of Two Mountains a few miles from Vaudreuil village in rural Quebec. Since 1963 I have been living in Montreal. For a while I followed some classical arts, poetry and social ideals. I received a B.A. in History from McGill University in 1969. The Korean Zen master Samu Sunim tutored me in the postural architecture of zazen patiently nearly every day for about a year beginning in 1968. In 1971 the Tibetan Lama Kalu Rinpoche gave me instruction in finding and maintaining calmness, improving vision and the nature and beneficial conduct of the mind, and in the motion and rest of energy in a seated position for meditation. I devoted my time to practicing the instruction that I received from these kind teachers as well as I was able.

  The method described in this text describes accurately what I was taught and is composed of anatomical descriptions of natural positions, small muscular efforts and rest that might help a reader to apply written instructions to a personal experience. I intend to improve this description of the method as well as I can.

methodofsimpleyoga.com    ©  March 1, 2023

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